Just like everything else, the recruiting process has also changed over time and it is not what it used to be 10 years ago. However, CVs are considered just as important as they did 50 years ago, if not more so. But they have also seen some evolution and are not like they used to be. A lot of the CV sections and practices have now become outdated. This is why you need to research and review information regarding what the recruiters want from the candidate before you sent in a CV. Then start revamping your CV, so it is an updated document that includes information that will help you get noticed by the recruiter. Some things just do not belong on your CV and including them will not work out for the better.
Landing your dream job is all about making a good first impression on the recruiter and much of that depends upon what you put at the very top of your CV. Unfortunately, many job seekers do not utilize this space to their best advantage. In this article, we will discuss what sections you should not include in your CV that have become outdated and what sections you should include in your CV:
Photos used to be a pretty important part of CVs back in the days but since then, they have become outdated and the CVs that contain photographs now are considered unprofessional. According to the professional CV writing services in Pakistan, if someone presents a CV with a picture and that person is not hired then it leaves room to file a discrimination lawsuit claiming the person was not hired because their picture was not appealing. Even if not for the discrimination lawsuit, there is no point in putting up a photograph on your CV. The recruiter has no reason to see how you look. However, if you are applying for a modeling job or another gig where how you look matters then that is a different case altogether.
References Upon Request:
References used to be really common too in CVs but they have become pretty outdated now. Using the statement “reference will be flourished on request” should not be used on your CV and there is absolutely no need for it as well. Recruiters know that you need reliable references during your job search. Ensure that you have your “reference” list prepared upon request. Keep the list of your references ready and make sure it is updated timely. This will save you from embarrassing yourself because what if the recruiter contacts one of your professional references and they no longer work at the same company? This can put uncertainty into the minds of recruiters and make you lose the job. It is also best to give the individuals you have out down for reference a heads up whenever you are applying somewhere so that they can expect the call. Also, there is no need to put down all of the names and contact information for your previous supervisors on your CV.
Including Every Job:
All of us remember working at a boring call center or a local shop during high school. But it is better to not include this in your CV unless it is really relevant. You do not have to list every job you have had, just include the jobs that seem relevant to the position you are applying for currently. Re-read your CV and see if all the jobs you have listed prove relevant to the job you are now applying for or are they recent. If a past job does not qualify for either of these categories, then it is best to leave it out as it will have no purpose other than take up space in your CV. Including jobs like these will make the recruiter think that you are over-compensating for something else which is not an impression you want to make.
Objective Summary:
Objective summaries used to be very vague regarding what you are looking for in a job or what you have to offer and this is why they have become outdated. However, profile summaries are the new objective summaries as they are more effective and actually help the recruiter understand what you can offer to the company. Leave out statements in your profile summary that talk about what you want to gain from the job. Your focus should be on what you can provide to the company. Keep your profile summary precise and use it to talk about your key achievements and academic highlights. Most of the time recruiters do not review the entire CV and just read the profile summary and it is also the topmost section of your CV so make the most out of it.
Boring Words and Phrases:
Avid using buzzwords that have become pretty common and that the recruiter must be tired of seeing in every CV they review. For example, words like Organized, Created, Responsible for, and Assisted have become pretty outdated. Just Google power words and you will receive a list of fresh new words that you can use to replace these boring ones. Also, avoid using empty adjectives unless you can follow them up with some quantifiable achievements or results. Using words such as Strategic, Problem Solving, and Experienced is useless if you do not have any facts to back them up. You should also avoid using jargon in your CV as the recruiter might not be able to understand them which will take away the whole purpose of the CV.
These are some of the sections and information that you need to edit out from your CV to make it brand new and in line with the current trends. Leave off these sections from your CV and replace them with the newer sections. Making a CV is not a one-time job and you will have to keep updating your CV regularly so that it does not become old or boring.